Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 1. Purpose

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to stipulate the rights, obligations, and responsibilities between the company (hereinafter referred to as "Company") and the member regarding the use of BlockSDK REST API service and related ancillary services (collectively referred to as "Service").

Article 2. Definitions

1. The terms used in these terms and conditions are defined as follows:
① "Service" refers to the BlockSDK REST API cloud service and related ancillary services provided by the Company.
② "Member" refers to an individual or corporation who has entered into a service use contract with the Company and has been granted the right to use the Service.
③ "Internal Member" refers to an individual authorized by the Member to use the Service according to the Company's pre-determined method.
④ "ID" refers to the email address determined by the Member for identification and use of the Service.
⑤ "Password" refers to a combination of characters and numbers set by the Member to protect confidentiality.
⑥ "Fee Payer" refers to the person responsible for paying the usage fee for the Service.
⑦ "Post" refers to all information composed of text, documents, pictures, voice, video, or their combinations posted by the Member on the Service.
⑧ "Credit" refers to the mileage system that the Company provides for promotional purposes, which can be applied to the use of the Service.
⑨ "Partner" refers to a business entity that joins the Service and resells the Service to Members after entering into a partner agreement with the Company.
⑩ "Partner Agreement" refers to the reselling contract between the Company and the Partner.
⑪ "Partner Use Contract" refers to the contract between the Member and the Partner for the use of the Service. Members can apply for/cancel the use of the Service through the Partner and settle the usage fee according to the contract with the Partner.
⑫ "Contract Area" refers to the Republic of Korea and may be added according to separate agreements between the Company and the Member.

2. Terms not defined in this article shall follow the user guide, operation policy, related laws, or customary practices of the Service.

Article 3. Posting and Amendment of Terms and Conditions

1. The contents of these terms and conditions will be posted on the Service page or notified to the Member in other ways.
2. The Company may amend these terms and conditions within the scope that does not violate the Republic of Korea's laws, such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, and the Act on the Development and Use Protection of Cloud Computing.
3. When the Company amends these terms and conditions, it will specify the application date and reasons for the amendment and notify it on the Service's initial screen along with the current terms and conditions at least seven days before the application date. However, if the amendment is unfavorable to the Member or involves significant changes, the notification will be made at least 30 days in advance, and the existing Member will be individually notified through electronic means such as email.
4. If the Company notifies the Member of the amended terms and conditions as per the preceding paragraph and the Member does not explicitly express an objection by the effective date, the Member is deemed to have agreed to the amended terms and conditions. If the Member does not agree to the amended terms and conditions, the Member or the Company may terminate the use contract.
5. Agreeing to these terms and conditions means that the Member consents to regularly visit the Service to check for changes to the terms and conditions. The Company is not responsible for any damages suffered by the Member due to not being aware of the changes.

Article 4. Rules Outside of Terms and Conditions

1. The Company may have separate terms and conditions and operation policies (hereinafter referred to as "individual terms and conditions") for each Service, and in case of conflict with these terms and conditions, the individual terms and conditions will take precedence.
2. In case of conflict between the contract concluded between the Company and the Partner and these terms and conditions or individual terms and conditions, the Partner Agreement will take precedence.
3. Matters not specified in these terms and conditions are governed by individual terms and conditions and the laws related to cloud computing development and user protection, the Basic Telecommunications Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, and other relevant laws.
4. Notices posted by the Company on the website's notice board due to changes in operation policies, the enactment or amendment of laws, or guidelines from public institutions also form part of the use contract.

Chapter 2. Conclusion of Use Contract

Article 5. Application for Use and Method

1. The service use contract is concluded when the applicant (hereinafter referred to as "Service Applicant") applies for the Service according to the method provided by the Company and the Company approves such application.
2. The Service Applicant must provide the necessary information (email address, etc.) required by the Company when applying for use.
3. If the Member is a business entity, additional documents must be submitted by the 15th of the following month after joining the Service through the method recognized by the Company, such as direct submission, fax, or mail.
① Service application form (if necessary, submitted in the prescribed format determined by the Company)
② Business registration certificate of the fee payer
③ Other materials requested by the Company as deemed necessary for fee reduction or discount.
4. The Company may require the Service Applicant to undergo an authentication process to verify their identity. In this case, the Service Applicant must complete the authentication procedure.

Article 6. Approval and Restriction of Application

1. The Company may reject the approval of the following applications:
① Applications made under a false name or using another person's name without consent.
② Applications with false information.
③ Applications from individuals registered as credit delinquents under the Credit Information Use and Protection Act.
④ Applications that may violate laws, public order, or morals.
⑤ Applications for fraudulent purposes.
⑥ Applications seeking to pursue profit without the Company's prior consent.
⑦ Applications violating the regulations or causing difficulty in approval due to the Service Applicant's fault.
⑧ Applications with unpaid usage fees for other services of the Company.
⑨ Applications with a history of overdue or improper usage fees.
⑩ Applications not meeting the qualifications for Service use under these terms.
⑪ Other cases deemed significantly inappropriate for approval.

2. The Company may withhold approval in the following cases:
① Occurrence of facility failure due to natural disasters.
② Difficulty in maintaining overall Service quality.
③ Lack of facilities or technical difficulty in providing the Service.
④ Potential business risks.
⑤ Failure to register a verifiable identification number.
⑥ Other similar cases where approval is difficult.

3. If the Member is a business entity and fails to submit the required documents by the 15th of the following month after applying, the Company may suspend all paid services used by the Member.
4. If the Company does not approve or withholds the application, it will inform the Service Applicant.

Article 7. Provision and Change of Member Information

1. When providing information to the Company under these terms, the Member must provide true and legal information, and any disadvantages arising from providing false or illegal information will not be protected.
2. Members can view and modify their information at any time through the management screen provided by the Service.
3. Members must immediately update their information online or notify the Company of changes in the information provided at the time of application using the prescribed format and method.
4. The Company is not responsible for any disadvantages resulting from the Member's failure to notify changes.

Article 8. Protection and Management of Personal Information

1. The Company strives to protect Members' personal information as required by law. The Company's privacy policy applies to the protection and use of personal information.
2. Members are responsible for managing the personal information of internal members and must comply with the relevant laws regarding internal members' personal information.
3. The Company's privacy policy does not apply to third-party services linked from the Service website.
4. The Company is not responsible for any exposure of Member's information, including ID and password, due to the Member's fault.
5. The Company may take necessary measures such as temporary action, suspension, or account deletion for the protection of the Member's information and operational efficiency if the account is inactive for more than one year or there is a concern about identity theft.

Chapter 3. Use of Service

Article 9. Provision and Interruption of Service

1. The Company provides the Service to the Member from the time of approval of the use application. However, some Services may be provided from a designated time.
2. The Service consists of individual services depending on the type of product, and Members can select and use individual services with the Company's consent.
3. The Company may divide the Service into specific ranges and designate different usage times for each range. Such changes will be notified in advance.
4. The Company may differentiate the usage time, frequency, and Service menu by classifying Members into different levels according to the Company's policy.
5. The Service may not be provided in the following cases, and the Company has no obligation to provide the Service:
① When maintenance, replacement, or failure of information and communication equipment occurs.
② When maintenance work is unavoidable.
③ When upgrading the Service or performing maintenance.
④ When normal Service use is difficult due to power outages, facility failures, or excessive usage.
⑤ When the Company has significant business needs such as mergers, acquisitions, business transfers, business closures, or poor profitability of the Service.
⑥ In the case of force majeure such as natural disasters or national emergencies.
⑦ Other similar cases.

6. In the cases of paragraph 5, the Company will notify the Member in advance as stipulated in Article 25. However, if prior notice is not possible due to hacking or other unavoidable circumstances beyond the Company's control, the Company may notify afterward.
7. The Company may use the information stored during the provision of the Service (excluding personal information) for marketing purposes.

Article 10. Change and Modification of Service

1. The Company may change or terminate the content of the Service in whole or in part for operational, business, or technical needs. If there are changes in the content or usage method of the Service, the reasons, changes, and the date of provision will be notified seven days in advance on the initial screen of the Service, and in case of termination, 30 days in advance. However, if prior notice is not possible due to unavoidable circumstances, it will be notified afterward without delay.
2. The Company is not responsible for any damages incurred by the Member due to changes or modifications of the Service content unless otherwise stipulated in these terms and conditions or related laws.

Article 11. Usage Products

1. The Company may provide "free services" that Members can use without separate payment and "paid services" for which the Company charges a pre-determined fee. Members can select and use the Service. However, the Company may not provide paid services requiring payment to minor Members.
2. The method of payment for the Service usage fee is determined by the Company.
3. Regarding the use of paid services, Members must comply with the following:
① Members who apply for paid services must faithfully pay the usage fee.
② Members who apply for paid services must pay the usage fee by the method provided by the Company.

Article 12. Provision of Information and Advertisement

1. The Company may provide Members with transaction-related information, responses to inquiries, and other necessary information through notices, email, SMS, etc. Members can reject the reception of such emails at any time.
2. The Company may provide advertisements to Members following the relevant laws through legal procedures.

Article 13. Management of Posts

1. If a Member's post contains content that violates the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection or the Copyright Act, the rights holder may request the suspension or deletion of the post, and the Company must take action accordingly.
2. Even without such a request from the rights holder, the Company may take temporary measures for posts that are likely to infringe rights or violate policies and relevant laws.
3. The detailed procedures for this article are governed by the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection and the Copyright Act.

Article 14. Member Advertisement

1. Members can post their advertisements in the Service in the manner specified by the Service. Members must accurately check the detailed content and conditions of the Service provided by the Company before using it, and the Company is not responsible for any damage arising from the failure to check.
2. When applying for the posting of advertisements, Members' advertisements may be posted along with other Members' advertisements. The Company has the authority to decide on the advertising area, order, information, and compensation for users exposed to the advertisements.
3. The Company may restrict the posting of advertisements if it determines that the content violates these terms and conditions, individual terms and conditions, and usage guidelines.
4. Members agree that the Company may reproduce, modify, transmit, distribute, broadcast, and exhibit the works related to the advertised subject (including character, logo, symbol, trademark, etc.) for the Service.

Chapter 4. Paid Service Usage Fees and Management

Article 15. Paid Service Usage Fees

1. The detailed usage fees and other related matters for paid services are governed by a separate operation policy, which is posted on the Service homepage.
2. The Company may provide Credits to Members for the use of the Service, and the detailed conditions for applying Credits are posted on the Credit operation policy or homepage.

Article 16. Calculation and Calculation Method of Fees

1. The paid service usage fee is calculated from the point when the Company starts providing the paid service to the Member.
2. If the Member pays a fixed amount for a specified period (hereinafter referred to as "Flat-rate"), the Company will charge the usage fee on a prorated basis until the cancellation date for early termination.
3. For paid services charged by the hour, the usage fee is calculated by the hour, with any time less than 60 minutes being rounded up to one hour.
4. If the Member agrees to a volume and usage period (hereinafter referred to as "Volume-based Plan"), the agreed usage fee will be charged monthly.
5. Members can change or cancel the Volume-based Plan under the following methods and conditions:
① If the Member cancels the Volume-based Plan, the discounted fee during the agreement period will be charged as a penalty in the month following the cancellation.
② There is no penalty for increasing the volume/period, but the increased discount rate applies from the month of application without retroactive application.
③ Decreasing the volume/period is not allowed.
6. Members using the Volume-based Plan can use resources above or below the agreed volume, and the specific conditions are as follows:
① If using resources below the agreed volume, the Company will charge the agreed volume without carrying over the remaining resources.
② If using resources above the agreed volume, the Company will apply the same discount rate and charge for the excess usage.
7. The data allocated to the fixed rate of the paid service does not carry over to the next month.
8. The usage fee for paid services is calculated monthly from the 1st to the last day of the previous month.
9. The usage fee for paid services may change, and the changed amount is reflected on the 1st of each month with the Member's consent.
10. All usage fees for paid services are exclusive of value-added tax.

Article 17. Billing of Usage Fees

1. The Company bills the usage fees for paid services from the 1st to the last day of the previous month on the 4th of the current month.
2. The Company bills the usage fees based on the billing unit defined by the Member.
3. The Company may consolidate multiple usage fees (including unpaid fees) into one bill if the Member uses multiple services.
4. Members pay the usage fees using the payment methods specified by the Company.
5. For paid services, the principle is automatic payment using the payment information entered by the Member at regular intervals.
6. If the Member does not pay the usage fees by the 8th of each month, the Member must pay the overdue amount and a 2% surcharge.
7. If the Member's usage fees are overdue for more than seven days, the Company may suspend the paid service used by the Member without prior notice, and if the overdue period exceeds one month, the Company may terminate the Service following the procedures and methods notified in advance on the homepage. The Company is not responsible for any damages incurred by the Member due to such actions.
8. The Company may entrust a collection agency to collect overdue usage fees from Members who are overdue for more than three months.

Article 18. Obligation to Pay Usage Fees

1. The fee payer is the Member who provided the payment information to the Company.
2. The usage fees are automatically charged to the payment method provided by the fee payer on the 8th of each month. If payment is not made due to reasons such as exceeding the credit card limit, the overdue fees and surcharges will be charged.

Article 19. Objection to Usage Fees

1. If a Member has objections to the Company's billing, they can file a written objection.
2. The Company must notify the Member of the results within 15 days of receiving the objection. If it is unavoidable to process within the period, the Company will notify the reason and the re-estimated processing period.

Article 20. Excess Payment

1. If the Member overpays the usage fees, the Company will refund the excess payment. If the Member agrees or does not respond to the Company's notice of refund, the amount may be deducted from the next month's usage fees.
2. If there are overdue fees, the Company may deduct the overdue amount from the excess payment before refunding.

Article 21. Credit Service

1. The Company may provide Credits for the use of the Service according to the Company's policy.
2. The detailed classification, usage amount, usage method, usage period, and restrictions of the Credits are specified on the Credit or Service screen. The Company may determine the types and details of the Credits.
3. Credits cannot be withdrawn or cashed out, and they expire or disappear upon termination of the use contract.
4. Unless specified otherwise, Credits cannot be transferred to others or used for fraudulent purposes.
5. The Company may reclaim the Credits if:
① The Member acquired the Credits unfairly or fraudulently.
② The Member uses the Service through a Partner.

Chapter 5. Obligations of Contracting Parties

Article 22. Company's Obligations

1. The Company shall not engage in acts prohibited by law or against public order and morals and shall do its best to provide continuous and stable Service.
2. The Company must have a security system to protect personal information and publish and comply with its privacy policy.
3. The Company shall handle opinions or complaints raised by Members regarding the use of the Service if deemed reasonable. The Company informs the Member of the process and results through the Service or email.
4. The Company shall display the following on the Service homepage for the Members:
① The name or title of the paid service.
② The content, usage method, usage fee, payment method, and other usage conditions of the paid service.
③ Available devices and minimum technical specifications required for use.
5. The Company complies with laws related to the operation and maintenance of the Service, including the Act on the Development and Use Protection of Cloud Computing, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Telecommunications Privacy Protection Act, and the Telecommunications Business Act.

Article 23. Member's Obligations

1. Members must pay the usage fees specified by the Company on the designated date.
2. Members must not engage in the following acts:
① Providing false information during application or change.
② Using another person's information.
③ Impersonating the Company's employees, operators, or related personnel.
④ Changing information posted by the Company.
⑤ Sending or posting information (computer programs, etc.) prohibited by the Company.
⑥ Producing, distributing, using, or advertising unauthorized computer programs, devices, or equipment.
⑦ Infringing the Company's or third parties' intellectual property rights.
⑧ Damaging the Company's or third parties' reputation or interfering with business.
⑨ Arbitrarily deleting, slandering, or interfering with banner advertisements provided by the Company.
⑩ Posting or disclosing obscene or violent words, writings, images, sounds, or other information against public order and morals.
⑪ Using the Service for commercial, business, advertising, or political activities without the Company's consent.
⑫ Transmitting or mediating large amounts of information and advertising information that may interfere with the stable operation of the Service.
⑬ Distributing computer virus programs that may cause malfunctions in computers or information devices.
⑭ Using the Service for cryptocurrency mining purposes that may interfere with the stable operation of the Service.
⑮ Other acts prohibited by law or considered unacceptable in social norms.

3. Members must comply with the relevant laws, these terms, usage guidelines, notices on the Service, and the Company's notifications regarding the use of the Service.
4. Members are responsible for managing and supervising the activities of all internal members authorized to use the Service and are liable for any illegal acts or violations of these terms by the internal members.
5. Members must provide a contactable email address at the time of membership registration and notify the Company of any changes to the information immediately. The Company is not responsible for any disadvantages caused by the Member's failure to notify changes.
6. Members must regularly check for changes in these terms, notices on the initial screen of the Service, and the Company's policies or regulations.
7. Members must back up and store their data processed using the Service, and the Member is responsible for any damage caused by negligence in data management.

Article 24. Obligations and Responsibilities for Managing Member ID and Password

1. Members must thoroughly manage their IDs and passwords to prevent them from being exposed or used by third parties.
2. The Member is responsible for any damages or unauthorized use caused by the violation of the obligations in the preceding paragraph, and the Company is not liable for such damages.
3. The Company may restrict the use of an ID if there is a concern about personal information leakage, or if it is antisocial, immoral, or likely to be mistaken for the Company's or its operators' name.
4. If a Member's ID or password is stolen or used by a third party, the Member must immediately notify the Company and follow the Company's instructions.
5. If the Member does not notify the Company or follow the Company's instructions, the Company is not responsible for any disadvantages.

Article 25. Notifications to Members

1. The Company may notify the Member through the email address or electronic memo specified by the Member, unless otherwise stipulated in these terms.
2. For notifications to all Members, the Company may replace individual notifications by posting on the Service bulletin board for more than ten days.

Article 26. Entrustment of Personal Information

The Company may entrust the processing and management of collected personal information to a third party selected by the Company, and the Company's privacy policy applies to the entrustment of personal information.

Article 27. Prohibition of Transfer

1. Members cannot transfer, gift, or provide as collateral the right to use the Service or other contractual status to others.
2. If a third party (hereinafter referred to as "Transferee") succeeds the legal status of the Service use contract due to inheritance, merger, or division, the Member and the Transferee must notify the Company with documents proving the succession immediately following the Company's procedures.
3. The Transferee must be fully aware of and responsible for managing the remaining contract period and contract terms when succeeding the legal status of the Member. The responsibility for any problems arising from this lies jointly with the Member and the Transferee.

Chapter 6. Suspension and Termination of Use

Article 28. Member Termination

1. Members can terminate the use contract at any time through the Service or customer center. However, the termination procedure will only be completed after any unpaid usage fees are paid.
2. Members must back up all resources used during the Service period before termination.
3. Upon termination of the use contract, all resources provided to the Member will be recovered, and all posts, information, and data stored in the Service will be deleted, except as required by law and the privacy policy. Deleted data cannot be restored for any reason.

Article 29. Service Suspension

1. The Company may suspend the Service without prior notice if the Member's usage falls under the following:
① If the fee is not paid by the 14th of the due month.
② If excessive traffic or broadcasting from the Member's REST API SERVICE (hereinafter referred to as "API") may cause network failures.
③ If the API is suspected of being exposed to DDoS attacks, hacking, or viruses.
④ If the Member violates the obligations stipulated in Article 23.
⑤ If the Member interferes with the normal operation of the Service.
⑥ If the Member provides illegal programs, interferes with operations, or engages in illegal communication and hacking in violation of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection.
⑦ Other similar cases requiring suspension.

2. Members cannot claim compensation from the Company for damages resulting from suspension under paragraph 1.
3. The Company must notify the Member of the reasons, period, and method of objection for the suspension by written notice, email, or similar methods.
4. If the cause of the suspension is resolved, the Company will lift the suspension without delay.
5. If the cause of the suspension persists, the Company may terminate the use contract and notify the Member by written notice, email, or similar methods.
6. The Company may charge the usage fees incurred during the suspension period to the Member.
7. Upon termination under paragraph 5, the Company may recover the system (including solutions) allocated to the Member and delete all posts, information, and data. The Member cannot claim compensation for damages due to this action. The Member must take preemptive measures (data backup, etc.) before termination to prevent loss.

Article 30. Temporary Measures for Suspension

1. The Company may take temporary measures for suspension if the following issues are under investigation:
① If a legitimate report of hacking or theft of ID, password, or payment method is received.
② If a legitimate report of hacking or theft of APPKEY, PEM KEY is received.
③ If suspected of illegal activities such as using illegal programs.
④ Other similar cases requiring temporary measures.
⑤ If the obligations under the Telecommunications Business Act Article 22-3 (technical measures for special types of value-added telecommunication services) and Article 84-2 (prohibition of false indication of telephone numbers and protection of members) are not fulfilled.

2. During the investigation period, the Company does not charge the Member any fees.
3. After the investigation, the Company will extend the Service usage period proportionally to the suspended period for Members paying by period, except for those found to be engaged in illegal activities.

Article 31. Objection Procedure for Suspension

1. If a Member disagrees with the Company's suspension or restriction, they must submit a written objection stating the reasons by written notice, email, or similar methods.
2. The Company must respond to the Member's objection within a reasonable period by written notice, email, or similar methods. If it takes a long time to process, the Company will notify the reason and processing schedule.
3. The Company must take corresponding measures according to the response.

Article 32. Company's Authority to Terminate Use Contract

1. The Company may terminate the use contract without consultation if the Member's usage falls under the following:
① If the usage fee is not paid within the period specified in these terms.
② If the information provided in the use application is found to be false.
③ If the Member intentionally interferes with the operation, causing damage to the Company.
④ If the Member violates the obligations stipulated in Article 23.
⑤ If the Member does not take appropriate measures for the correction request under Article 29.
⑥ If the Member's usage method violates domestic or international law, and a government agency demands suspension through legal procedures.
⑦ If the Member's system operation causes unnecessary actions that damage the Company's or other customers' systems.
⑧ If a large-scale network attack targeting the Member's system causes damage to the Company's operation or shared networks with other customers.
⑨ If any of the reasons for rejection of application under Article 6, paragraph 1 occur.
⑩ If the Member uses the Service in a third country outside the Contract Area, violating the law and causing or likely to cause damage to the Company.

2. For cases under paragraphs 1 and 2, 5, the Company may request the Member to correct the issue within a specified period, and if the Member does not take appropriate measures, the Company may terminate the use contract.
3. For cases under paragraphs 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, the Company may immediately terminate the use contract without prior notice.
4. When the Company terminates the use contract, it will notify the Member of the reasons and termination date by written notice, email, or similar methods. If prior notice is not possible due to unavoidable circumstances, it will be notified afterward.
5. Members must pay the usage fees until the termination date and back up all resources used during the Service period. Upon termination, all resources allocated to the Member will be recovered, and all data stored in the system will be deleted.

Article 33. Suspension of Service Provision

1. The Company may suspend the Service in the following cases:
① If unavoidable for maintenance of the Company's facilities.
② If there is a concern about normal Service operation due to national emergencies, facility failures, or service usage surges.
③ If Service provision is practically impossible due to force majeure such as natural disasters.
④ If a basic telecommunications business operator suspends telecommunications services as stipulated in the Telecommunications Business Act.
2. In the case of paragraph 1, item 1, the Company will notify the Member by the registered notification method and on the Service access screen or the Company's Service homepage at least one day in advance.
3. In the case of paragraphs 2, 3, and 4, the Company may suspend the Service without prior notice.

Chapter 7. Compensation for Damages

Article 34. Company's Compensation for Damages

1. If the Member suffers damage due to the Company's fault, causing the monthly availability to fall below the defined level, the Company will compensate for the damage upon the Member's request.
① Monthly Availability (%) = 100 * [1 - {Total downtime (minutes) caused by the Company's fault during the month / Total minutes in the month}]
② The downtime is measured from the time the Member notifies the Company of the inability to use the Service (if the Company becomes aware of the issue before the Member's notification, the time starts from when the Company became aware).

2. The compensation amount is determined based on the following criteria. However, if the Company provides separate compensation standards for specific Services through operation policies or notices on the homepage, the different criteria apply.
Compensation List
Monthly Availability Compensation Amount
99.0% ~ 99.9% 10% of the average monthly usage fee for three months
95.0% ~ 99.0% 25% of the average monthly usage fee for three months
Below 95.0% 50% of the average monthly usage fee for three months

3. If a Member requests compensation under paragraph 1, they must submit a written application stating the reasons, amount, calculation basis, and details of the issue.
4. The compensation amount can be used for purchasing other Services or paying the monthly usage fee for the relevant Service.
5. The Company's liability for damages due to the inability to use the Service is limited to the compensation under paragraph 1.
6. The Company is not liable for any damages incurred by Members using free services, except for damages caused by the Company's willful or gross negligence.
7. The Company's total liability to the Member under these terms is limited to the amount paid by the Member to the Company.

Article 35. Member's Compensation for Damages

If a Member violates these terms and notices, causing damage to the Company, the Member must compensate for all losses and damages incurred by the Company.

Article 36. Company's Exemption

1. The Company is not liable for damages caused by the following:
① Service disruption due to the Member's purchased device malfunctions.
② Force majeure events such as war, natural disasters, national emergencies.
③ Damages caused by the Member's intentional or negligent actions.
④ Inevitable circumstances due to the nature of telecommunication services.
⑤ Service suspension to prevent the spread of incidents in the Member's information system.
⑥ Service disruption caused by other service providers.
⑦ If prior notice is given for unavoidable maintenance, and there is no willful or gross negligence by the Company.
⑧ Regular maintenance announced on the homepage.
⑨ If the Member does not receive Service-related notifications due to missing contact information.
⑩ Service disruptions caused by errors in applications installed by the Member or changes in the OS selected by the Member during server creation.
⑪ If the Member uses free services provided by the Company.
⑫ Other cases where the Service disruption or damage to the Member's information or data is not caused by the Company's willful or gross negligence.

2. The Company is not liable for indirect, consequential, special, or incidental damages or loss of profits or revenue resulting from the use of the Service.
3. Members use the Service at their own risk, and the Service is provided "as is" and "as available." All posts, information, and data are managed at the Member's discretion and risk.
4. The Company is not liable for Service disruptions, suspensions, or contract terminations due to the Member's fault.
5. The Company is not responsible for any loss of profits expected by the Member from using the Service and is not liable for any damage caused by the materials obtained through the Service.
6. The Member is responsible for managing and preserving their posts, information, and data, and the Company has no obligation to back up or restore them. Members must independently back up their posts, information, and data as needed.
7. The Company is not responsible for the reliability or accuracy of the content of posts made by Members and does not verify or represent any opinions or information posted. The Company does not endorse, oppose, or modify opinions expressed by Members or third parties.
8. The Company is not obligated to intervene in disputes between Members or between Members and third parties arising from the Service, nor is it responsible for any damages resulting from such disputes.
9. If the Company is subject to damage claims, lawsuits, or other disputes due to illegal acts or violations of these terms by the Member, the Member must indemnify the Company at their own expense and bear all damages incurred by the Company.

Article 37. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

1. These terms are governed and interpreted by the laws of the Republic of Korea.
2. Disputes between the Company and Members are subject to the jurisdiction of the Member's address at the time of the lawsuit, or if there is no address, the Member's residence. If the address or residence is not clear, the jurisdiction is determined according to the Civil Procedure Act. However, if the Member's address or residence is abroad, the Seoul Central District Court has jurisdiction.
3. For Members with addresses or residences abroad, the Seoul Central District Court has jurisdiction over disputes between the Company and the Member, notwithstanding the preceding paragraph.

Article 38. Compliance with Overseas Regulations

1. As a condition for purchasing and using the Service, Members agree to comply with all applicable data protection, import, re-import, sanctions, anti-boycott, export control laws, and national export control systems, including EU Dual Use Export Controls, US Export Administration Regulations, and International Traffic in Arms Regulations. To avoid misunderstandings, Members (including end-users) are fully responsible for ensuring compliance with the manner in which they choose to use the Service, including the transmission and processing of their information and its use for end-users designated by the Company. Since Member information uploaded by Members or end-users may be hosted on the Company's servers worldwide, Members must not upload any information listed on relevant trade restriction lists and ensure that end-users do not upload prohibited information. Members confirm and guarantee that they are not listed on sanctions lists specified by the UN Security Council, US National Security Council, US government (e.g., EU Specially Designated Nationals List and other overseas sanctions lists of relevant countries), and other authorities.
2. If Members provide services to customers using the Service in a third country outside the Contract Area, they must notify the Company in advance.
3. Members must indemnify the Company for any legal liabilities arising from violations of this article or regulatory non-compliance in the Contract Area or third countries.

Chapter 8. Partners

Article 39. Partner Application

1. Members can apply for Partner use from the Company or Partner to use the Service. Members must settle the usage fees for the Service with the Partner according to the Partner Use Contract, and the usage fees may differ according to the Partner Use Contract.
2. Members must check the detailed content and transaction conditions provided by the Partner before purchasing or using the Service.
3. Members must agree to the Partner's policies when using the Partner. However, if the Partner's terms conflict with these terms, these terms take precedence.
4. Members who wish to become Partners themselves must follow the procedures established by the Company, such as entering into a Partner Agreement.
5. Members wishing to apply for or change Partner use must follow the Company's or Partner's guidance to apply for or change Partner use.
6. Members cannot request changes or cancellations of Partner use conditions after applying.
7. The Company grants Partner use rights to designated Members by the following methods:
① The Company accepts the Member's Partner use application and designates a Partner.
② The Company accepts the Partner's application for Members recruited by the Partner and designates a Partner.
8. The Company may approve, modify, hold, or reject the Member's Partner use or change application.
9. The Company may restrict the Member's Partner use or change application in the following cases:
① If the payment method is not registered.
② If already using a Partner.
③ If the Company deems Partner use impossible.
10. Members can continue to use the Service provided by the Company even if Partner use is suspended.
11. Specific matters related to Partner use and change applications are governed by the Company's individual operation policies.

Article 40. Special Provisions for Partners

1. The Company only provides related guidance on the Service homepage and is not responsible for the Member's provision or supply of the Service from the Partner or the use of the Service from the Partner.
2. The Company is not responsible for any liabilities arising from the Member's use of the Service through the Partner.
3. The Company does not intervene in the Partner Use Contract between the Partner and the Member and is not responsible for such transactions.
4. The Company only operates and manages the system for the free trade between Partners and Members and does not represent the Partner or the Member. The Company is not responsible for the content of the Partner Use Contract or the information provided by the Member.
5. The Company is not obligated to intervene in disputes between the Partner and the Member arising from the Partner Use Contract and is not responsible for any damages arising from such disputes.
6. The Company does not guarantee the authenticity, quality, completeness, stability, legality, and non-infringement of third-party rights, the information entered by the Partner or Member, or the data linked to the URL provided by the Partner or Member, and is not responsible for such matters.
7. The Company is not responsible for any damages arising from the Member's purchase or use of Partner services without checking the content and transaction conditions of the Partner use product.
8. The Company is not responsible for any loss of expected profits from the Member's use of the Partner and is not responsible for any damages arising from the materials obtained through the Partner.
9. The Company is not responsible for the reliability or accuracy of the information, materials, and facts posted by the Member through the Partner.
10. The Company is not responsible for inquiries (purchase methods, installation support, usage methods, support for failures, usage fees, etc.) related to the Service provided by the Partner.
11. The Company is not responsible for disputes arising from the Member's objection to the fees imposed by the Partner.
12. The Company is not responsible for any damages incurred by the Member due to changes in the Partner's fee policy or the termination or cancellation of the Partner Agreement.
13. The Company is not responsible for any damages incurred by the Member due to the termination or cancellation of the Partner Agreement and the loss of reselling rights of the Partner.