Easily browse wallets and token transfers, and ERC-20 token details with BLOCKSDK's token API. It's possible without separate indexing!
Billions of logs, transactions, and smart contracts have already been indexed, so you don't have to.
Time is an asset. We handle complicated tasks, so you focus on your customers.
Eliminate complexity with just one request for the data you want.
We help you easily get the data you need and do the work you want.
There is no easy way to extract token data from a blockchain. Manual collection requires a complex process of scraping, storing, and decoding millions of blocks and billions of logs.
You can easily find details of ERC-20 tokens. You can search by contract address or token symbol.
Read docsExplore Your Wallet! Quickly look up ERC-20 tokens and balances in a designated wallet. You can limit your balance to a specific token and request a list of ERC-20 smart contract addresses.
Read docsProvides a detailed record of wallets, smart contracts, and transactions in and out of a particular token or address.
Read docsData on all EVM-based blockchain tokens such as ERC-20-based
Uniswap, USDT, and USDC have been indexed.
We offer a variety of sample codes, including sample wallets and NFT markets. Use our SDK to navigate the blockchain with concise code and get additional information with industry-leading documents!
const BLOCKSDK = require("blocksdk-js");
const client = new BLOCKSDK(
"contract_address" : "ERC20 Token Address",
.then(r => console.log(r));
"contract_address" : "ERC20 Token Address",
"from_address" : "Wallet Address"
.then(r => console.log(r));
Offering portfolios, balances, wallets, smart contract-specific transaction information, and detailed transmission records, including ERC-20 token data, the Token API boasts extremely fast performance.
Want to restrict access to certain websites with real asset-based token (STO) ownership? Check your STO ownership and status with a simple API. Available on all EVM-based blockchain networks.
With BLOCKSDK, you can query and create data from more than a dozen cross-chains in seconds. DirectDB automates the DB system construction by collecting and aggregating all types of WEB3 data through custom DB settings. Industry-leading companies trust us and you can do the same.